I was recently visiting my brother when his girlfriend came in with a rather large egg that she found out in their yard. Naturally I was intrigued and felt the need to crack it open. To my great surprise I found a big beautiful golden yolk inside just begging to be eaten. I threw it in a skillet for a couple of minutes and devoured it rapidly. It was delicious and tasted pure and true to nature. It doesn't get any better than wild game, so why not wild eggs? It's amazing what you can find in the great out of doors. I'm still trying to track down what type of bird it came from, so if anyone out there has a guess let me know in the comments.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Wild Eggs
I was recently visiting my brother when his girlfriend came in with a rather large egg that she found out in their yard. Naturally I was intrigued and felt the need to crack it open. To my great surprise I found a big beautiful golden yolk inside just begging to be eaten. I threw it in a skillet for a couple of minutes and devoured it rapidly. It was delicious and tasted pure and true to nature. It doesn't get any better than wild game, so why not wild eggs? It's amazing what you can find in the great out of doors. I'm still trying to track down what type of bird it came from, so if anyone out there has a guess let me know in the comments.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Building Real Ab Strength-The Zercher Carry
Ed Zercher was a well known strongman in the 30's who imparted one of the great exercises of all time upon the world. The Zercher squat was invented, they say, because Zercher did not have a squat rack in his gym. This version of the squat begins with a dead-lift and then a squat while moving the bar onto the legs. From there you slide your arms underneath so that the bar is positioned in the crook of your arms and then squat the weight. This is a fantastic lift that builds strength throughout the body. Today however I would like to focus on the Zercher carry. You still position the weight in the crook of the arms, but instead of squatting it you are walking for a prescribed distance and/or time. This lift/carry combination is phenomenal for building strength not only in the anterior, but posterior chain all at the same time. What this means is a rock solid mid-line, and real strength in the abdominal musculature. Using a sandbag is my preferred method, as this form of weight is also metabolically demanding. The reasoning behind this is the fact that the weight is being held on the chest and putting a force on your lungs. This is great as it will illicit diaphragmatic breathing and better engages the stabilizer muscles throughout the mid-line. My recommendation is a distance like 60 meters coupled with something very demanding on the lungs like burpee's or a front squat & push press combination. Getting the heart rate and respiration up high and then putting weight on the chest forces proper engagement of the abdominal musculature and forces diaphragmatic breathing which is great in protecting your spine, which is the sole reason for these muscles in the first place. Normally I will do about 5 rounds of this with 10 burpee's followed by a 60 meter carry and repeat. I will also use a timed carry as a warm up. Using a 60# bag and just walking for about a minute is great to get muscles firing and blood pumping, especially if your workout that day involves movements where the mid-line will be engaged. Another reason that I love this movement is because it's so applicable to everyday life. In a real world setting people can't carry things in a perfect way like they would in a gym. I put the picture to show how it should look, but also think about how often you find yourself carry things in this manner. I would venture a guess that most people out there have done something similar many times, and quite recently even. Try to remember that all this is to really prepare us for the way we move and act in our everyday life.If you use the Zercher carry in your programming I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Monday, May 18, 2009
None Better
Dr. Paul is my guy. ALWAYS speaking the truth and remaining true to his beliefs, and the Constitution...
Nuff said!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My First Recipe Post!!!
Jeff's Protein Packed Meatloaf
-1 pound grass fed beef
-1 pound organic pork sausage
-1 package organic bacon
-2 white onion, diced
-2 cloves of garlic, minced
-3 whole eggs, free range & local!
-1/4 cup fresh parsley
-1/3 cup organic raw shredded coconut
-2 tablespoons flax oil
-seasoning to taste ( I used a dash of sea salt, fresh ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, and cumin)
Pre-heat your oven to 400 and prep your bacon in a baking dish of your choice. I used a metal bread pan, but you can use anything really. I laid the bacon in overlapping strips, but it could be done in any number of different styles. Pick the one you like best and roll. To be fair you could skip the bacon bed, or simply dice that up and add it to the mix. I chose to wrap the meat in bacon to help lock in the flavor and keep it as moist as possible. Next combine all your ingredients in a large mixing bowl, making sure to incorporate them thoroughly. You could whisk the eggs in a separate bowl first but I like adding them in whole and working the mix with my hands. When you're ready move your mix into the baking dish and finish wrapping the bacon. Bake for 45 minutes and then let set. When cooled sufficiently plate and cut or just dig in. This took me approximately 10 minutes to prep everything, and then I just had to wait while it baked. Super easy and a great way to have some ready to go protein when needed. The other great part is you can mix and match ingredients however you like. You could use beef, turkey, chicken, pork, lamb, etc... for your meat choice, and add or subtract the other fillers. I made this tonight, and it was the bomb! The coconut adds a slight hint of sweetness and gets you some extra quality fat. Let me know what you all think out there, and feel free to send me some of your own recipe's that you think others would enjoy. Peace!
Getting ready for the oven...
Finished product. Mmm..Mmm..Good!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
"Health Care"
I just finished reading an excellent article from the washington post regarding health care and electronic records. What struck me as important and disconcerting was that no mention was made of this savior like technology that will save the medical INDUSTRY billions of dollars a year. How can the government and tax payers invest and subsidize yet another program without even know the who, what, where, when, and how on all of this. A simple solution would be to get back to doctors working directly with patients toward a common goal...Getting Healthy! This was however a great article on the Washington way of doing business. The $787 billion emergency, can't do without, necessary at all cost "stimulus" will actually be using a large chunk for this far off in the distance god send to the medical world technology. Through the back door again we are finding more and more of these pet projects being thrown in so the bureaucrats can feel better about themselves and push an agenda. Don't be fooled here though, we've got huge conglomerates involved as well. Using old school business tactics to make it appear as they are really holding our best interest near to their hearts, while at the same time making an obscene amount of money from this paradigm shift in medical technology. I have no issues with a business being profitable and gaining market share, just don't try to convince me that this is secondary to solving REAL health issues. The following are some highlights from the article. Enjoy.
"Such an approach would rely on unprecedented data-mining into medical records and the practices of doctors, a kind of surveillance that also would enable insurers to cut costs by controlling more precisely the care that patients receive." -Can you say invasion of privacy? data-mining? This is scary talk, and not just for conspiracy theorists, but for anyone who believes in civil liberties and a right to privacy. What goes on between me and my doctor should stay between me and my doctor!! What do the insurance companies know about practicing medicine?
"Many groups have been involved in the push for health information technology, including physician groups. At the center of those efforts is the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. Started a half-century ago, it represents 350 companies and about 20,000 members. Corporate members include government contractors such as Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, health-care technology giants such as McKesson, Ingenix and GE Healthcare, and drug industry leaders, including the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America...
"HIMSS has a very effective grass roots advocacy program that reaches all levels of government," Dave Roberts, a senior executive, said in the group's literature...
For a decade, the group has pressed Congress and other government officials to mandate and subsidize the adoption of health records technology." -So this professional society that is most adament about the change just happens to be made of companies and people that will benefit the most? Not that it's new or groundbreaking, but still should be noted. Look at the verb-age used here, "program that reaches all levels of government." That reads lobbyists and pay-offs at all levels of government to me. And then look at a classic washington maneuver at the end with mandating and subsidize, so they want to make everyone participate whether they like it or not and then tax the american people to pay for it. We do need serious change in the medical industry, but this is not it! Technology and practices that would be involved on this basis would make healthcare even more cold and inhumane than it already is. Can we please get back to human interaction and real caring about our fellow man? Money can still be made, and everyone would sleep better at night.
Thoughts and comments please.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Who care's about life?!?
That is the feeling that I get when speaking with most people. Why should I eat organic food? It's not really any different, is it? Why wouldn't I keep eating grains, that's what the FDA recommends? Why should I exercise? It's tough and I'll miss american idol. This isn't too far off from what I hear a lot of the time when speaking with people about their health. Most Americans truly feel that health isn't important, or can take a back seat to everything else. The truth of the matter is, if you don't start eating right and moving you will not live to regret it! If we as a people can get out of the mindset that there is a quick fix or some pill that is the panacea for all health problems we'll be much better off. If you don't have your health you can't enjoy everything else that you have put on top of your priority list. Take a step back and think about your life if you had diabetes, cancer, chronic inflammation, heart disease, etc... and then decide how important your health is to you. Don't wait until it's too late to make a step towards a healthy lifestyle. Thoughts, comments, or questions are welcome.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Get Some Sun!!
I've known for awhile now that vitamin D is important for overall health and longevity. Most physicians recommend taking around 800 I.U. per day in lieu of sun exposure. When the sun is out I try to get at least 10 minutes or more of exposure to up my levels. Vitamin D is very helpful in the body for a number of things, but is mainly known for it's help in maintaining our organ systems. But it turns out that it's even more important than we thought. Check out this article I found on sciencedaily.com for more info. The study discussed was on ill patients in a hospital setting, but I think this could be applied to anyone feeling a bit sick. This part of the article really stood out to me, "When the team correlated the Vitamin D levels with a disease severity score, there was a direct correspondence between sickness and Vitamin D deficiency. In other words, the sicker someone was, the lower the levels of Vitamin D. Out of the 42 patients studied, there were 3 deaths. The 3 patients who died all had the lowest level of Vitamin D in the cohort." Thoughts?
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