Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today's blog is about goal setting. Why do we have goals and how do we achieve them? I've recently set some new goals for myself and have begun the process of working toward them. This may entail me going back to school for another degree, or hitting the streets and getting my hustle on. Either way I know this is what I was meant to do. My goal has a lot to do with my passion in life and how I want to give back and help others. Many times before I would set small little superficial goals involving my vanity, or some kind of monetary triviality. In the end, what does a certain amount of money or percentage of body fat really bring you? Too often we set goals that don't sit high up on our value scale. Why would you try to achieve something that doesn't even matter to you. If you value love very highly, then why put it to the side as you try to hit a certain number in your 401k for retirement? Re-evaluation and a look deep inside should tell you what you value, and this is what you must work toward. If our current economic crisis has taught us anything it's that our lives are actually quite short and should not be wasted. I wish you all the luck in the world with whatever it is you are working towards, and I hope that it is something that you will truly value for a lifetime! Be well my friends.

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