Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who care's about life?!?

That is the feeling that I get when speaking with most people. Why should I eat organic food? It's not really any different, is it? Why wouldn't I keep eating grains, that's what the FDA recommends? Why should I exercise? It's tough and I'll miss american idol. This isn't too far off from what I hear a lot of the time when speaking with people about their health. Most Americans truly feel that health isn't important, or can take a back seat to everything else. The truth of the matter is, if you don't start eating right and moving you will not live to regret it! If we as a people can get out of the mindset that there is a quick fix or some pill that is the panacea for all health problems we'll be much better off. If you don't have your health you can't enjoy everything else that you have put on top of your priority list. Take a step back and think about your life if you had diabetes, cancer, chronic inflammation, heart disease, etc... and then decide how important your health is to you. Don't wait until it's too late to make a step towards a healthy lifestyle. Thoughts, comments, or questions are welcome.


  1. I hope you aren't referring to me when you say you talk to people about their health... no beuno.

  2. If I'm a cruel satirist at least I'm not a hyprocrite: I never judge what other people do. I never censor what others do. I never bother trying to analyze or resolve my fears and neuroses.

  3. I'm not sure why you even bothered to post if you feel that I'm a hypocrite as I judge that's what you mean? This is my opinion and a rant of sorts after being fed up by people who will ask me for advice on how to lose weight, get stronger, or just feel healthy again and then scoff at the suggestions I give. If you are just a troll looking to attack me personally at least have the courage to say it to my face instead an anonymous posting. In the end just do whatever makes you feel best, as your negativity will not be given a second thought after this post is made.
