Friday, August 28, 2009

A new Rx

It's been a while, but I'm back for a quick update. Class, studying, and training has kept me quite busy, but I wanted to get in a quick note while it was fresh in my mind. The idea today is pretty basic, but well outside of modern group think. What I'm proposing is the idea that less is more. No, that's not a misprint I said LESS is more. In today's modern society people look at more of everything as being better. More exercise is always better. Taking more vitamins must be better. More over the counter and prescription drugs to help lose weight or fight off sickness will get me back on track. All sounds familiar, right? What you may not realize is that all this extra crap is hampering your efforts. Exercise is important, but almost more important is rest. If you are breaking down that muscle during an intense workout, there has to be time for it to rebuild if you want to make gains. There's an old saying that rings true here. There's no such thing as over-training, just under-recovery. Take that to heart people. Yes vitamins are important in overall health, but why not get them from your food? Keep in mind that vitamins in a bottle are synthesized in a lab to try and imitate the ones you get from REAL food. Also realize that your body isn't really sure how to handle and process a lot of these vitamins which is putting even more stress on your system, and managing stress is the name of the game here folks. If prescriptions or over the counter meds are also in the mix, that stress level goes up exponentially. Once again, the body doesn't know how to deal with most of these laboratory inventions that are meant to help, but often hinder your health. If it can't be processed it merely gets stored away to wreak havoc gradually over time. Then you have those who are taking meds to combat side effects from their other prescriptions. Is that not just downright wacky? Here is the general concept I'm trying to put forth, if you are working 60 hours a week, then going to the gym and hammering yourself for another 2 hours, Sleep less than 7 hours a night, pop pills because you don't have time to eat real food or are fighting off sickness or pain, and can't understand why your life quality is not improving, then it's time for a change. Here is my prescription. Try to cut down on work hours by staying focused and being more efficient at your job. Don't overwork yourself in the gym. Shorter more intense workouts may be just the trick to get you in and out quickly, while still getting the exercise you desire. Stop taking vitamins and getting off any other meds. Instead, supplement yourself with real quality food that is local or organic to get the nutrients and vitamins you need. Get quality rest! Turn off the TV and computer and get in that bed. Try this for at least two weeks, and if you don't feel and improvement go back to your old ways. Although I have a feeling if you truly commit to these ideas you won't ever look back.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, less is more rings true for so much! Keep things simple, go back to the "old" way-- a way that worked and was healthy. Sometimes humans use too much intellect to "make progress"-- only to find out the change wasn't really good...
